Bedtime Conversations with My Two-Year Old

Putting my two-year-old to bed can be a real chore sometimes. He’s not a fan of bedtime and it’s not just because of having to brush his teeth. Normally there are fits and tears, but tonight was different.

We had a long series of very short conversations that when combined went something like this:

Me: “It’s time for bed.”
Him: “How about, ‘Not yet?”

Me: “It’s time to sleep, Dude.”
Him: “Get up?”

After a few mins of silence…

Me: “Get back in bed or I’m leaving the room.”
Him: *gets back in bed. begins to fake sleeping noises inducing snoring and loud exhaling three stooges style.*

About 20 seconds later…

Him: “Mama comin?”
Me: “Not tonight, she’s working on a plane.
Him: *huffs* “Okay.”

Several minutes later…

He shouts “Fireworks!” and points at the old Dropcam we have that’s complaining with flickering light flashes that it’s lost its Internet connection.

Another several minutes go by…

Him: “Hold you?”
*He climbs on top of my chest and falls asleep.*

All said and done he was asleep in about 70 minutes. There were several times he faked sleeping and a few other random “stories” he told me that I only understood random words of… “that’s really funny” “we made it!” and “timer” were among them. This kid is going places.