Our First Week of E-Learning / Winging It Preschool Is Done

Assembling his desk. Thought he’d burst with excitement.

And it honestly went better than expected!

We’re schooling from home due to the pandemic like millions of other families right now. Our local school district is currently 100% online and we’re thankful for that. Our apartment is small, but we’re doing our best to keep the kids busy.

Luckily the weather has been cooperative overall and allowed for some outdoor time as well.

SkyWaitress has been doing a fantastic job with the kids while I job search. The airlines, and travel industry as a whole, have been hit exceptionally hard in the last several months. She’s likely going to be put on furlough soon so I’m looking for a place to land while we figure out our next step.

Here are some of our highlights from the week:

Thank you so much for continuing to be a reader of the blog. It has been an eventful 8 years. I hope to get back to some more personal posts like this soon.

If you enjoy reading what I share please consider becoming a support of mine on Patreon. Now, more than ever, it would be greatly appreciated.

Here is to the next 8 years!