Disclaimer: We were invited as guests to Santa’s Village this weekend. All options shared are my own.

The family was able to spend the day at Santa’s Village in East Dundee, IL this weekend. This was the second time we’ve been able to visit the park, but the first time we’ve experienced it around Christmas. We had so much fun and it even snowed!

The weather was typical for the Chicago area in December. It was cold and wet. There was a slight breeze. It was honestly a great day to be at the park because there were no lines for the rides or food!

One of the reasons I love Santa’s Village is because the target age range fits well with our kids. Theodore is almost three and he can ride most of the rides in the park. Wesley is six and can ride every ride in the park. Many of the rides allow for parents to ride along too. It’s a fabulous feeling.

Santa’s Village amusement park has been open in East Dundee, IL since 1959. This Christmas-themed park is open year-round and has a wide array of holiday themed attractions. There are rides, and games, a petting zoo, and plenty of food & beverage options for all ages.

We enjoyed fun family meal with huge slices of pizza and some fries. It was nice to take a break from the cold inside a warm dinning area. The kids were all smiles.

I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of Christmas. It is literally my favorite part of the year. Maybe that’s part of why I love Santa’s Village so much. I can visit Christmas any time I want!

Petting Zoo

Santa’s Village is home to more than 200 animals, birds and fish! The kids loved the petting zoo just as much as they did when we visited this summer. Boy do those goats like to eat too. Keep your hands on your cup or they’ll steal it right out of your hands. That happened to Theo, although he thought it was hilarious.

We closed out the night with s’mores around the campfire. Wes was a little confused about the process, but ended up being thrilled with the results.

It was a yet another fun experience the kids got to have this year! I can’t wait to take them back to Santa’s Village again. Have you ever been? What’s your favorite attraction? Let me know in the comments.
You can find out more about Santa’s Village attractions, pricing, and policies at SantasVillageDundee.com