I started writing this series the morning I got an email from my son’s school issuing a notice saying that the schools would be closed for at least two weeks (but likely longer) due to the current Covid-19 outbreak. Many parents are in the same spot. This is why I’m doing this.
Each day I’ll share a simple activity that you can do with your kids that will help pass the time. Sometimes these with be educational. Sometimes these activities will be family projects. Sometimes they will simply be entertainment options.
If you want to add some ideas to the list please do so in the comments.
You can see the full list of activities (updated daily through-out the 30 day series) at DaddysGrounded.com/30days/
Day Eleven: MSI Science at Home
The Museum of Science and Industry Chicago‘s Science at Home website is a fantastic resource for kids stuck at home. They have videos, games, and hands-on science experiments for kids to try at home with parental supervision. They even have weekly emails covering activities aimed at kids and families at home.

Keep learning in place and at your pace with science activities and topics you can access anytime.
– MSI Chicago
Do you like trying out science experiments at home? Let me know in the comments what ones you’ve tried and how they’ve turned out.