Released earlier last month, "The Art of Reassembly" is a book that was an emotional journey for me. The author's story of the loss of her mother at a young and its effect on her life even decades later hit home.
Out of Line is a hand-drawn 2D side-scrolling puzzle platformer that depicts the adventures of San, a young boy trapped in a factory controlled by an ominous and strange entity. The game is all about helping San collect memories and solve puzzles to unearth fragments of his identity and "discover the true meaning of freedom."
We recently started go though the "Awesome Achievers" series by Alan Katz. In the two books so far released in the series there are over 20 featured scientists, technology experts, and thinkers. He loves them.
I happened across Gnome Alone on Netflix this morning. I didn't know what to expect when I started watching it. Having seen no previews or reviews previously I went into it cold. This movie was an unexpected gem. I loved it.