The NCAA March Madness month is now in full swing. Every year I mean to pick out brackets and every year I forget to do it until AFTER the games actually start. This year was no exception. I pick teams, but it’s not for an office pool. It’s just to see how awfully I can pick teams. I’ve got a system, and it has nothing to do with the team’s stats, coaching or even jersey colors. I rank teams based on what locations they are in and how much I like visiting that area of the country.
I’ve never been a big sports guy. Growing up I watched my share of games on TV, but it was never anything beyond something on in the background for noise. The occasional instant replay was cool to watch. Even now I know the basic rules of basketball, like to attend baseball games, and watch the WorldCup because a country I like is in the finals. I’m looking at you Netherlands. Taking it a step further you should know that the Super Bowl, to me, is just a reason to have people over and watch commercials worth Tweeting about.
Last night I attended a NCAA Tournament watching party sponsored by Dove Men + Care. They had events in LA, Denver, Philadelphia, Columbus, and of course, Chicago. I was at the one at Goose Island Brewing in Chicago’s Wrigleyville neighborhood.

I attended the event with my brother-in-law, Melvin. He’s the biggest basketball fan I know and so happens to be a dad blogger too. He blogs over at There were a couple dozen dad bloggers in attendance. None of them, except Melvin, seemed to know anything about the teams and player history. It was perfect. I fit right in!
We had good conversations, snack food and as much beer as we wanted. Most of the talk was kid and blogging related with a little bit of networking, photo ops and social media thrown in there. Thanks Dove Men + Care!
Do you live in the Chicago and dad blog? Join the Dad Bloggers MeetUp group and attend a future get together. Cheers!