I started writing this series the morning I got an email from my son’s school issuing a notice saying that the schools would be closed for at least two weeks (but likely longer) due to the current Covid-19 outbreak. Many parents are in the same spot. This is why I’m doing this.
Each day I’ll share a simple activity that you can do with your kids that will help pass the time. Sometimes these with be educational. Sometimes these activities will be family projects. Sometimes they will simply be entertainment options.
If you want to add some ideas to the list please do so in the comments.
You can see the full list of activities (updated daily through-out the 30 day series) at DaddysGrounded.com/30days/

Day Eight: NASA at Home
My oldest son is currently obsessed with space. Not the social distancing kind. He hates that kinda space. He’s a fan of the outer space kind of space.
We’ve got a few books at home with all sorts of statistics, maps, and graphs about our solar system. Some of his favorites are from the Professor Astro Cat Series. We’ve read them enough times he can quote them almost verbatim.

Thankfully NASA at Home is open to anyone with an internet connection. It has everything from ebooks, to videos, to image galleries, to AR tours, a kids & families sections, and more.
Do you like space? Have you visited NASA at Home? Share your thoughts and finds in the comments. I’d love to see how you use the site.