I started writing this series the morning I got an email from my son’s school issuing a notice saying that the schools would be closed for at least two weeks (but likely longer) due to the current Covid-19 outbreak. Many parents are in the same spot. This is why I’m doing this.
Each day I’ll share a simple activity that you can do with your kids that will help pass the time. Sometimes these with be educational. Sometimes these activities will be family projects. Sometimes they will simply be entertainment options.
If you want to add some ideas to the list please do so in the comments.
You can see the full list of activities (updated daily through-out the 30 day series) at DaddysGrounded.com/30days/
Day Seven: Make Your Own Word Searches
I loved making my own word searches as a kid. I would spend hours making them by hand on notebook paper or post-it notes. Our family got a computer when I was in 5th grade. The afternoon I got software loaded on that thing that could help me create word searches I was blown away with how amazing it was to have a computer in the house.
Thankfully the days of going to a physical store for software is over.
My son and I use a free site called The Word Search to create word searches now. The word searches are shareable, printable, and even playable online!
If you don’t want to create your own the site has hundreds of pre-made ones too. They are broken into categories like Disney, Kids, Science, Movies, and more.
Here’s one we made that is Super Mario Bros. themed:

Do you like word searches? Have you made any of your own? Share your thoughts and creations in the comments. I’d love to see what you come up with on the site.