We bottled the beer this week. It was a process I’ve never taken part in before, but really enjoyed. We cleaned bottled, sanitized oxygen sealing caps, filled the bottles, etc. If the taste tests are any indications, it’s going to be amazing! Its smooth, dark and has a light coffee flavor. Now we just wait for the carbonation to take care of itself and we’ll do an official taste test on video.
The first bottles will be shared at (or soon after) the baby’s birth. I will drink one per year on my boy’s birthday until I drink one with him at 21. We only made a very limited number so they will be shared sparingly. I’m also working out a storage solution so we don’t lose any while waiting out that 21 years (or 18 if the US drinking age is finally lowered).
The brewmaster for She Bears Brewing, and our Birthday Brew experiment, Jeremy Hylen has graciously agreed to let me share the recipe online. There is only one problem though, I can’t come up with a good name and don’t want to share the recipe until I do.
What’s next? The tasting of course!
What sort of beer did you do? pilsner, porter, IPA?
Imperial Guard Stout. Here’s more detail: http://dgrd.co/1h
Wesley’s Crusher Stout. (Gotta get that Star Trek reference in there.)
Daddy’s Home Stout
(appropriate in multiple ways/humorous HIMYM reference)
I did a home made root beer twice. First time, so so. Second time, nearly killed The Wife when she got home for lunch with exploding bottles. I hung up the brewing hat for a time.
How ’bout “Daddy’s Grounded Stout”, or “The Grounded Stout”. If you need some logo ideas, I’m game. I’ll send you some samples of stuff done. We could swap a favor. Good luck!
The Cheeky Daddy
I love RIS’s, how was it?