Early this morning (1-ish) I was still awake and assembling Wesley’s bassinet. The thing was more complicated to put together than I thought. Seriously. It took about an hour to assemble. That hour turned into about 60 seconds of time lapse video footage I thought you might enjoy watching.
The bassinet is adorable. I can’t believe how small it is. Just a few more weeks now. I can’t wait to meet him!
Good job, Joel!
Your time lapse video always makes me smile.
Love you, Mom Gratcyk
That bassinet’s adorable. i have to admit, our son’s was one of those cheapo plastic ones (well, not that cheap, but it looked cheap!) and it was definitely the least aesthetically pleasing thing we got for him. Where’s this one from? (cool time lapse, btw 🙂
Thanks! I had fun making it. The bassinet is a Badger Basket. We got it from one of our friends at Abigail’s baby shower.