I started writing this series the morning I got an email from my son’s school issuing a notice saying that the schools would be closed for at least two weeks (but likely longer) due to the current Covid-19 outbreak. Many parents are in the same spot. This is why I’m doing this.
Each day I’ll share a simple activity that you can do with your kids that will help pass the time. Sometimes these with be educational. Sometimes these activities will be family projects. Sometimes they will simply be entertainment options.
Day One: The Dot Game
Day Two: Scholastic‘s 20 Days of Learning
Day Three: Virtual Museum Tours
Day Four: Spies in Disguise Activity Pack
Day Five: Have A Netflix Party
Day Six: Compliment Jar
Day Seven: Make Your Own Word Searches
Day Eight: NASA at Home
Day Nine: Cook or Bake Together
Day Ten: Have a Movie Night!
Day Eleven: MSI Science at Home
Day Twelve: Explore Music
Day Thirteen: Scavenger Hunt (Outdoors)
Day Fourteen: Scavenger Hunt (Indoors)
Day Fifteen: Scavenger Hunt (Online)
Day Sixteen: I Spy Printables
Day Seventeen: Fill in the Blank Printables
Day Eighteen: Pixar In A Box
Day Nineteen: Jessica Harvey’s Expedition Notebook
Day Twenty: Cards Against Humanity – Family Edition
Day Twenty One: Too Many Tribbles!
Day Twenty Two: Where’s Waldo? At Home
Day Twenty Three: Chicago White Socks Online Kids Activities
Day Twenty Four: Fitness Fun with Sonic The Hedge Hog
Day Twenty Five: Classic Car Colorables
Day Twenty Six: Doctor Who Activities
Day Twenty Seven: Scooby-Doo Activities
Day Twenty Eight: Watch “Coming Together: Standing Up to Racism”
Day Twenty Nine:
Day Thirty: