My experience of making friends in one's thirties tells me that it is nearly impossible. Work, kids and general adult responsibilities get in the way...
The world is a rough place. People who should be able to get along often don't get along at all. Bosses often look out for what is best for themselves and take advantage of their subordinates. Gun owners oppose any talk of reasonable regulations based off of the empty argument of "freedom." These things and countless more cause unnecessary pain and suffering to others.
I swore it would never happen. I didn't have a clue. The rules I had set up for myself in my pre-child world didn't stand a chance once I became a dad. Here are six ways I've changed my standards since becoming one.
Everything was happening in slow motion. All the sounds around us were muffled. The water coming out of the faucet. My son's body twitching and then going limp. His clenched jaw and me splashing that cold water on his body. I kept saying "I love you son, breath. Breath. Please breath!"
Just as we started our journey down the highway to a family movie night at the grandparents yesterday we heard a loud bang, the car shook a little and our tire pressure light flashed on. My wife's first words were "What was that? What did you hit?" I knew it was not good.