Dear Son

I can’t wait to meet you. There is an exciting world out here for you to experience life in. There are things that will elate you and things that will crush you, but life is still worth living. I’ll be there every step of the way for as along as I’m alive. There are many things to learn: walking, talking and personal care are among the important ones. No matter what you learn though, remember that family is the most important thing.

When you go to school.
Remember that family comes first.

When you make friends.
Remember that family comes first.

When you join a church, club or other recreational organization.
Remember that family comes first.

When you get your first job.
Remember that family comes first. 

When you meet your first love.
Remember that family comes first.

When you start a family, move away or retire.
Remember that family comes first. 

Learning to accept and forgive others is an absolute must.

There are people that mean a great deal to me whom you may sadly never meet because of unforgiveness and judgement. It is a cause of deep pain for me. These are people I grew-up with, traveled with, stayed up late talking with and spent much of my younger life with. Many of them have helped shape me into the man I am today. The trouble, the wrong, the hurt that happened took place after I started to do things they didn’t approve of. Things I think everyone should do. Things like accepting people for who they are and not who they love, thinking for one’s self and asking questions when something doesn’t seem right.

Questions are important. Don’t be afraid of asking “Why?” but do it in love. Keep in mind that some people are afraid of it. It calls into question the intentions of actions and the implications of those actions. People who “love” conditionally hate this question. Hate is unjustifiable. Everyone is the same. All are equal. No one is any less worthy of love than anyone else. Love is unconditional.

Family is most important when viewed in the light of hurt, unforgiveness and pain. We can’t get through these things without family. We often don’t realize how important our family is until they don’t allow you to be part of their lives anymore. Family is more than blood. Its community with forgiveness. Its acceptance of who you are, even when society says you should be something else. Its being there and talking through subjects you disagree on. Its agreeing to never walk out of each other’s lives.

I promise you Son, no matter what you do, I’ll always love you. I’ll do my best to not let you down. I’ll never walk out of your life. No disagreement about who you will want to marry, vote for or support will ever be worth giving up having you in my life. 

Family comes first.